

用户速递 | Angew. Chem. : 18%记录效率!低维异质结助力碳基无机钙钛矿太阳电池


近日,华南农业大学饶华商&钟新华团队在碳基无机钙钛矿太阳电池上取得重要进展,研究成果以“1D Choline-PbI3-Based Heterostructure Boosts Efficiency and Stability of CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells”为题发表在国际 期刊Angewandte Chemie(DOI:10.1002/anie.202303486)上。华南农业大学张键鑫博士生为*一作者,饶华商副教授为通讯作者。

Figure 1. a) XRD patterns of CsPbI3 films without (w/o) and with ChI treatment. b) Temporal evolution of the suspicious peaks from XRD with ChI treatment under ambient atmosphere (RH = ~80%). c) XRD patterns of ChI-PbI2 crystal powder and simulated ChPbI3. d) Schematic crystal structure of hexagonal ChPbI3. e) ToF-SIMS depth profile of Ch+, Pb2+, I− and Ti4+ in CsPbI3/TiO2 film with ChI treatment.

该团队通过详细的相结构演变追踪和单晶解析发现,ChI处理CsPbI3表面的过程中会原在表面和晶界处原位生成1D结构的ChPbI3(Figure 1)。1D ChPbI3的原位生成与原始的3D CsPbI3形成1D/3D异质结构,通过进一步的光电测试(稳态荧光和荧光衰减)证明了1D/3D异质结构能够有效地的钝化薄膜缺陷,显著地提高了光致发光寿命,抑制非辐射复合损失(Figure 2)。

Figure 2. a) Evolution of XRD patterns of CsPbI3 films with ChI treatment over time at room temperature (25 °C). b) XRD patterns of CsPbI3 films without and with ChI treatment annealed at different temperature for 15 min. c) PL spectra for CsPbI3 films with ChI treatment over time at room temperature. d) PL spectra for 3D-film and 1D/3D-film. e) PL delay curves of 3D-film and 1D/3D-film.

由于1D ChPbI3本身超疏水能力,1D/3D异质结的形成极大地增强了钙钛矿薄膜的水分稳定性。另外,1D ChPbI3优异的化学惰性和在其形成过程中修复不需要的δ-CsPbI3缺陷,抑制坏点的扩散,可以显著增强CsPbI3薄膜的稳定性。(Figure 3)

Figure 3. a) Photos showing color changes of 3D- and 1D/3D-film at RH=40~50% over time. Evolution of XRD patterns of b) 3D- and c) 1D/3D-film at RH=40~50% over time. The color bar on the left side represents time, and the color bar on the right side indicates the XRD intensity. d) XRD patterns of ChPbI3 crystals before and after soaking in water for 6 h. e) XRD patterns of 3D-film containing δ-CsPbI3 blemish before and after ChI treatment. f) Schematic illustration of inhibition of δ-phase by ChI treatment on CsPbI3 surface.

鉴于1D/3D结构的构建对CsPbI3薄膜缺陷态钝化和稳定性提高方面的作用,组装的 CsPbI3 C-PSC的稳定性显著增强,器件的光电转换效率从原始的13.69%提升至18.05%并获得了17.8%的认证效率,这是目前无空穴传输材料的碳基无机PSCs新的效率记录(Figure 4d)。进一步探究了Voc对入射光强度的依赖性,Mott-Schottky等测试,证明了ChI处理可以通过构建1D ChPbI3/3D CsPbI3异质结构,有效抑制器件中的非辐射复合,从而显著提高Voc。(Figure 4)

Figure 4. a) Statistic distribution of Voc and PCE of C-PSCs based on various concentrations of ChI solution based on 30 individual devices. b) Forward and reverse J–V curves and c) SPO curves of 3D- and 1D/3D-cells. d) Summarized PCE values of reported inorganic C-PSCs. e) Voc dependence on light intensities and f) Mott–Schottky plots of 3D- and 1D/3D-cells.


本文中荧光发光及寿命衰减曲线由Im体育官方版app下载公司的OmniFluo990稳态瞬态荧光光谱仪 成。OmniFluo990为模块化搭建结构,通过搭配不同的光源、检测器和各类附件,对1D/3D异质结构进行表征,为光电器件光电转换效率的优化提供参考。

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